Contact Kidlist with Questions, Comments, and Suggestions


We love hearing from you. If we all pool our resources, we’ll have that many more ideas to share! If you have an idea, comment or suggestion, or even just a link that might appeal to Kidlist readers, email Annie at

Know about an event? Everyone is welcomed to submit events to the calendar for consideration. Click here to submit an event.

You can also meet the team behind Kidlist and read about Annie, the founder and owner, as well as the other amazing contributors to the site.

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Click here to check out ways you can reach families in the suburbs of Chicago.

Media Inquiries

Although articles are updated by an individual team member each year or each season, the entire team contributes to the ideas as the years go on. So please contact Annie at and she would be happy to work with you or put you in contact with one of our team members as appropriate.

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14 Comments. Leave new

  • Courtney Johns
    June 27, 2013 3:16 pm

    Love this site. Glad we talked on Tuesday….so excited to tell my other friends about it!

  • Any chance you can find some live Nativity activities in the Chicagoland area/churches? Thank you.

  • This site is awesome! I thought up of doing a blog or site similar to this when my son was born in May 2011. I realized how much work it would be and there was no way I could do this by myself. I created some Facebook Naperville groups and am doing something comparable on Facebook but I will absolutely absolutely be referencing you from here on out on my Facebook group and creating events from your site. You just made my job easier. Expect to see a SURPLUS OF VISITS now. I admin a 5000+ moms group and I admin a 330+ moms group as well. And I just shared your Halloween link as it came up for the first time on my newsfeed last night. :D :D Sharing is caring is my motto :D :D Good luck to you on this for-profit-website. I hope your site layout continues to be the same. It seems to have less ads than other sites and mommy blogs that rhyme with Rice-a-roni. ;)

  • The house in Orland Hills is up and running from 5:30-9:00 Sunday- Thursday and Friday and Saturday 5:30 – 10:30 andChristmas eve 5:00- 1:00 AM

  • Hi Annie,

    It was super nice to meet you in person at Western Springs’ Gathering on the Green! As I mentioned, you are my personal, and a lot of my mom-friends, go-to resource! Great articles, timely posts, very friendly and useful website! Thank you so much again! Keep up the great work!

    Best Regards,
    Tania Redina

  • Shelley Doyle
    June 27, 2018 8:51 am

    Ahhh, wish I had discovered your site sooner!!! It’s fantastic. Looking forward to using it for ideas from now on. Gonna share it on my Facebook Page right now.

  • Do you know of any classes for children that teach beginning woodworking, carpentry or mechanical skills? Our grandson loves to work with his hands.

    • We have not found any independent businesses that offer these classes, however I have had luck finding woodworking classes through park districts. I would also recommend checking Home Depot because they have free workshops the first Saturday of every month. We include them on the Kidlist calendar ( or you can contact Home Depot directly to find out the project schedule and reserve a spot.

  • Hi!We moved to Illinois in 2017 and we have a 5 year old daughter and I was constantly on move to keep her engaged and so finding events and new places was one of job every morning then finally after I found your page and its a big relief:)Thank you for taking initiative and working constantly for all the moms .Its a blessing to have you all.Keep up the good work.Stay blessed!!
    I am exploring this place so trying to find new places for weekends near chicago with 5 hr drive if you have anything on that line and any drama or theater workshops for kids.We live near Desplaines.

  • Abbie Bennett Nunn
    October 26, 2023 10:26 pm

    Wow! This Halloween tour list is amazing! We are from southeast Wisconsin and are always looking for holiday displays but never have a clue where to go in Illinois. Will you be putting together a winter holiday house display tour(s) map as well?


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