Play mini golf in an art museum?! That’s exactly what you can do at Elmhurst Art Museum now through September 26, 2021 at their newest exhibit, Par Excellence Redux! We had the pleasure of playing The Front 9 on opening day and had a great time figuring out each hole and admiring the work that went into each one. Every hole is a work of art and definitely puts a unique spin on the game.

Par Excellence Redux pays homage to the School of the Art Institute of Chicago’s exhibition Par Excellence, which was wildly popular in 1988. Elmhurst Art Museum split the current exhibit into The Front 9, which is this summer, and The Back 9 which will debut in the fall. Local and national artists contributed by each creating a unique hole. Every hole has a different feel, with some being intricate and challenging, and others sparking conversation about the meaning behind it.

We spent about 30 minutes playing each hole, figuring out the strategy, talking about the artwork, and keeping score. Some of the holes function better than others, but we all agreed that it was such an interesting and fun experience!

The Front 9 artists include Julie Cowan, Benjamin Good, Neil Good & John Serafin; Current Projects; Andrea Jablonski & Stolatis Fab LLC; Annalee Koehn; Latent Design; Jesse Meredith; Gautam Rao; Robin Schwartzman & Tom Loftus (aka A Couple of Putts); and Elmhurst Art Museum’s Teen Art Council.

Admission and Tee Times
Children 5-15 years old are $5, adults and kids ages 16+ are $10, and seniors 65+ are $8. Children ages 4 years old and under are free.
Tee times are available during museum hours. Click here to book a tee time.
Par Excellence Redux
July 7 – September 26, 2021
Elmhurst Art Museum
150 S Cottage Hill Avenue
Elmhurst, IL 60126