Step into the Great Big Game Show at Oakbrook Center

Games and Entertainment

Our latest Kidlist team get together was at the new Great Big Game Show in Oak Brook! We all like checking out new experiences and finding creative ways to have fun together.

When you enter into the game room at Great Big Game Show, it feels like you stepped into a real game show, complete with buzzers and a screen to explain the game rules.

We were invited to experience Great Big Game Show and all opinions are our own.

Great Big Game Show in Oak Brook

After you check in, the staff splits your group into two teams, then you head to your game room. There is one game show host that plans which games your group plays. He or she gets a feel for your group and puts together a sequence of games they think you will like.

There are 18 mini games in their repertoire. Our host leaned towards trivia-type games, but we really would have enjoyed some of the more physical games, like Blaster Blitz with mini Nerf guns.

In the beginning of each game, there is a video to explain how the game works and the host is there to answer questions and call on contestants to take a turn.

In Spin Out, you spin the wheel and hope it lands on a high point total. Every time a wedge is landed on, the host adds a “lose it all” sticker. So your team has to decide how many times to take a turn to amass the maximum number of points without going down to zero.

The blue team was losing the entire time, but came back to win at the last second! The Great Big Game Show experience lasts about an hour. Our host was a super nice guy that also is a comedian in the city. It was great to get to know him throughout the game and he made the experience more personable.

Age Recommendations

Great Big Game Show is recommended for kids 8 years old and up.

Birthday Parties

Our host commented that the majority of groups that book at Great Big Game Show are for kids’ birthday parties. Each of their four studios can accommodate up to 14 people (7 on each team).

If you don’t plan on having 14 people in your group, the room becomes public and others can join the game. If you want a guaranteed private studio for your game show, you can block the remaining spots at a 50% discount during checkout if no other groups have already booked into that studio.


Booking a game show is $39.99 per person plus tax.


Food is not permitted at Great Big Game Show, but you can bring bottled water and non-alcoholic beverages. Drinks are not available for purchase, however The District is right across the bridge at the mall with plenty of food and drink options. We would recommend meeting for food and drinks at Oakbrook Center before or after your game.


When you book a game, they text you earlier in the day with parking instructions that are spot on! They suggest that you park on the 4th floor of the Orange Garage (280 Oakbrook Center, Oak Brook, IL 60523). You’ll see an entrance to the mall with a vending machine and sky bridge. Walk across the bridge, take a right and you are there! Super easy.

Great Big Game Show
554 Oakbrook Center
Oak Brook, IL 60523
(872) 259-1008

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