BrightSide Theatre
Summer in the Parks
Various Locations IL, United StatesNaperville Park District is hosting a series of outdoor theatre performances by BrightSide Theatre titled, “Enchanted Broadway: A Magical Journey of Showtunes and Superstitions.” This series of free performances will be hosted at several different park locations in Naperville throughout the summer. Each hour-long show will feature songs from enchanting Broadway musicals, such as Into...
Summer in the Parks
Various Locations IL, United StatesNaperville Park District is hosting a series of outdoor theatre performances by BrightSide Theatre titled, “Enchanted Broadway: A Magical Journey of Showtunes and Superstitions.” This series of free performances will be hosted at several different park locations in Naperville throughout the summer. Each hour-long show will feature songs from enchanting Broadway musicals, such as Into...
Summer in the Parks
Various Locations IL, United StatesNaperville Park District is hosting a series of outdoor theatre performances by BrightSide Theatre titled, “Enchanted Broadway: A Magical Journey of Showtunes and Superstitions.” This series of free performances will be hosted at several different park locations in Naperville throughout the summer. Each hour-long show will feature songs from enchanting Broadway musicals, such as Into...
Summer in the Parks
Various Locations IL, United StatesNaperville Park District is hosting a series of outdoor theatre performances by BrightSide Theatre titled, “Enchanted Broadway: A Magical Journey of Showtunes and Superstitions.” This series of free performances will be hosted at several different park locations in Naperville throughout the summer. Each hour-long show will feature songs from enchanting Broadway musicals, such as Into...
Summer in the Parks
Various Locations IL, United StatesNaperville Park District is hosting a series of outdoor theatre performances by BrightSide Theatre titled, “Enchanted Broadway: A Magical Journey of Showtunes and Superstitions.” This series of free performances will be hosted at several different park locations in Naperville throughout the summer. Each hour-long show will feature songs from enchanting Broadway musicals, such as Into...
We do our best to provide comprehensive, accurate and useful information about events and activities. This information (such as times and locations) is gathered from press releases, websites, signs around town and word of mouth. However, details change and people make mistakes, so please confirm the details before you go. Kidlist is not responsible for any problems that occur while participating in activities listed on this site.
Submit an Event
Click on the button above to submit an event to the Kidlist calendar. We welcome everyone to submit events, given that they are family-friendly, free and/or drop-in, and are local for families in the west and northwest suburbs of Chicago. All submitted events are reviewed by the Kidlist team.