Earth Day
Poplar Creek Public Library 1405 S. Park Avenue, Streamwood, IL, United StatesCreate some repurposed crafts using coffee filters and a variety of recycled materials.
Create some repurposed crafts using coffee filters and a variety of recycled materials.
Come celebrate Earth Day with the Elmwood Park Garden Club and us! We'll read some stories, sing and dance, and at the end, each child will get to take home...
Join us for Earth Day Work Day, the perfect opportunity for service hours or simply giving back to the community in the spirit of Earth Day. We are cleaning up...
Come celebrate Earth Day at the Franklin Park Public Library! You’ll be able to plant your very own plant as well as other fun activities. Open to ages 4-12. Registration...
Drop-in activities recommended for ages 3-5, with a participating adult. Pop by the Library for a playful morning of popular activities!
Join us as we make several crafts to celebrate Earth Day! We will make upcycled mini plant pots, seed bombs, and spinning earth mobiles! While supplies last.
This fun task offers young children a chance to explore their tactile sense of touch through different textures and create their own earth to celebrate Earth Day!
Red Oak Nature Center shows the unique traits that make reptiles so special. This program includes live animal ambassadors from the nature center. Grade levels 1-5.
We do our best to provide comprehensive, accurate and useful information about events and activities. This information (such as times and locations) is gathered from press releases, websites, signs around town and word of mouth. However, details change and people make mistakes, so please confirm the details before you go. Kidlist is not responsible for any problems that occur while participating in activities listed on this site.
Submit an Event
Click on the button above to submit an event to the Kidlist calendar. We welcome everyone to submit events, given that they are family-friendly, free and/or drop-in, and are local for families in the west and northwest suburbs of Chicago. All submitted events are reviewed by the Kidlist team.