Escape the Library
Geneva Public Library 227 S 7th Street, GenevaThe secret key to the Library is missing, and you are locked in the study room! Can you find the key to escape? You will have 20 minutes to work...
The secret key to the Library is missing, and you are locked in the study room! Can you find the key to escape? You will have 20 minutes to work...
Drop in and build something awesome. Live in-person. Drop-in. No registration. December 26: MagnaTile Day December 27: KEVA Plank Day December 28: Giant Tinker Toy Day December 29: LEGO Day
Play just 1 game of Bingo or stay for an hour. Take a free book for every game. All families with children welcome.
Boogie the day away with art, plenty of dancing and a special countdown to celebrate the upcoming New Year. Ages 2-6. Siblings welcome. Caregiver required. Drop in. For information...
Families with Children. Drop in, no registration required. Ring in the new year at our extra special celebration just for little ones! For information on more events like this,...
Celebrate National Card Playing Day playing Old Maid, Go Fish, and other fun games. Drop in. Program Room.
Put your heads and hands together to construct a unique family project and some special memories to boot. What will you and your family remember from 2023? Draw some of...
Let’s play bingo with a musical twist! We’ll play a song clip, and you’ll figure out the clue to fill up your card and yell, “BINGO!” (Grades K–5 with an...
We do our best to provide comprehensive, accurate and useful information about events and activities. This information (such as times and locations) is gathered from press releases, websites, signs around town and word of mouth. However, details change and people make mistakes, so please confirm the details before you go. Kidlist is not responsible for any problems that occur while participating in activities listed on this site.
Submit an Event
Click on the button above to submit an event to the Kidlist calendar. We welcome everyone to submit events, given that they are family-friendly, free and/or drop-in, and are local for families in the west and northwest suburbs of Chicago. All submitted events are reviewed by the Kidlist team.